• Peach Moonstone

    Peach Moonstone helps to calm and soothe the mind and emotions. It enhances intuition, psychic ability, and creativity. Peach Moonstone is a stone of hope and optimism, bringing a sense of joy and happiness into your life. It is protective against negative energy and influences.

  • Peacock Ore

    Peacock Ore is a stone of happiness and joy, it is said to turn you in positive directions, and help channel happiness to others; generally a stone of upliftment.

  • Petrified Wood

    Petrified Wood has strong grounding energy. It helps you feel centered and connected to the earth. This crystal may aid us in connecting to higher realms. It can be utilized to open the Akashic records as well as communicate with spiritual beings.

  • Pink Amethyst

    This stone instills feelings of understanding, calmness, and grace. It also carries the properties of Amethyst we know and love; trust, intuition, sobriety, and restful sleep. This is a powerful stone that can also promote happiness and peace of mind.

  • Pink Calcite

    Pink Calcite helps the heart grow and inspire deep love and compassion for people you don't even know. This is a great stone for encouraging works of service, charity, and selfless acts. Pink Calcite also helps us develop deep, genunie compassion for yourself. It helps you overcome self-criticism and self-blame.

  • Pink Opal

    A compassionate and nurturing stone, encouraging peace and tranquility. This stone has a deep connection to the Heart Chakra, healing our emotions, and allowing our hearts to open to love. Pink Opal is often referred to as the "Stone of Resolution" as it works to heal our emotional wounds and deep hidden fears enabling us to resolve and let them go.

  • Pink Tourmaline

    Known as a stone of love and compassion, Pink Tourmaline is often used to promote emotional healing. It can help you forgive yourself and others, release anger and resentment, and connect with your inner child. As a result, it can help you feel more peaceful and loving.

  • Polychrome Jasper

    Polychrome Jasper is a stone that emobodies one's true self and helps you channel your energies to the ones closest to you. It facilitates and activates one's inner balance, while helping you conform to your current environment.

  • Prehnite

    Prehnite is considered a "stone of dreaming"; it is believed to increase the power of the dream state, strengthen lucid dreaming and promote communication with other planes of existence. It is also considered a "stone of prophecy", with long use by indigenous people of South Africa.

  • Prophecy Stones

    This stone can enhance intuitive abilities and provide insights into the future. It is associated with shedding old patterns, embracing personal growth, and facilitating spiritual transformation.

  • Pyrite

    Also known as Fool's Gold, this is a powerful stone for grounding and protection. It is believed to create a shield of energy around the user, guarding against negative influences and energies. Pyrite is considered a stone of manifestation, helping one to turn their dreams and desires into reality by attracting abundance and prosperity. It also strengthens the solar plexus and protects the aura.

  • Pyrite on Quartz

    This stone has the grounding and manifestation energies of pyrite with the added energies of clear quartz. Clear Quartz "turbo boosts" the energy of any stone associated with leveling up the intensity of energy the partnered crystal brings.