• Sardonyx

    Used as a stone of strength and protection, Sardonyx is associated with courage, happiness and clear communication. It brings lasting happiness and stability to marriage and partnerships. The spiritual values of red and white-banded and red bullseye sardonyx make these stones particulary powerful.

  • Selenite

    Selenite is a light carrier which indicates a strong healing power. It has a calm feeling and will stabilize your emotions. It promotes peace and calm, mental clarity, and well-being. Highly recommended to use to ward off negative feelings from others.

  • Septarian

    Septarian is a powerful grounding stone that awakens one's connection to Mother Earth and the nurturing energy she provides. One's root chakra will become activated when working with this stone, as well as vital life force energy being channeled throughout the body. One may experience an "inner awakening" when connecting with this stone, driving drastic change and new habits to replace one's old daily habits.

  • Seraphinite

    Seraphinite is a stone of light energy, making it a high vibrational stone, offering balance and strength. It will help you have a stronger connection with your guardian angels and spirit guides, and will help you find your place in this world. It is also very uplifting for those suffering from depression or PTSD.

  • Serpentine

    Serpentine is known to be a detoxifying crystal. It clears the chakras and stimulates the crown chakra, opening psychic abilities. It assists healing energies used towards problem areas physically and corrects your mental and emotional imbalances, making you feel more in control of your life. It has been known to eliminate parasites in the body and help treat diabetes and hypoglycemia.

  • Shell Jasper

    Shell Jasper is said to create serenity and satisfaction while providing stability and protection. It is said to offer vigor on the physical, emotional and mental plane which in turn helps people to establish a very practical and safe spiritual connection.

  • Shiva Lingam

    Shiva Lingam is a powerful stone that can achieve spiritual growth and enlightenment. It's also a healing stone, bringing balance to mind, body, and spirit. It is one of the most popular fertility stones.

  • Shiva Shell

    Shiva Shell has a number of meanings associated with it. Eyes in general are a symbol of protection as to ward off the "Evil Eye". Coming from the sea, this shell has ocean-like soothing, comforting and serene vibes and will bring peace of mind and relaxation.

  • Shungite

    Shungite is an incredible stone for grounding, purification, and transformation. It clears our auras and other energy fields, and helps us stay more firmly centered in our Personal Power. It is a powerful protector against all types of negative energies as well as EMFs. Shungite calms and grounds the mind, helping us stay focused and on track.

  • Smokey Quartz

    Smokey Quartz disperses fear, lifts depression and negativity. It brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety. It promotes positive thoughts and action, stability, and grounding, giving you the ability to see within. This amazing stone works with your Solar Plexus and your Personal Power.

  • Snowflake Obsidian

    Snowflake Obsidian is a protective stone; a stone of purity; it absorbs and disburses negativity and counters negative emotions from others. This stone reveals the contrast of life; black represents power over the physical plane, and white symbolizes the purity in us. It helps us to receive higher vibrations and grounds us spiritually, clears away fogginess in our mind, reduces stress, and brings a comprehension of silence. This stone is known to cleanse toxins from the liver and stomach.

  • Sodalite

    Sodalite supports communication, enhances intuition, and encourages truth. It corresponds to the Third Eye Chakra. It helps to boost confidence, overcome negative thinking, and increase mental clarity. It is a good stone to use during meditation.

  • Sphalerite

    Sphalerite is known to help you with inner reflection. It will build courage, drive, and focus to help unlock your full potential. This crystal will guide you to the realization that you can reach your dreams with hard work and dedication. Sphalerite provides you with the spirit and drive needed to keep moving forward. It will ground your thoughts and desires, and protect you from the negative energy that could derail you from your path.

  • Strawberry Quartz

    Strawberry Quartz shines as a beacon of tranquility regarding emotional and mental well-being. Its soft energy is believed to alleviate stress, anxiety, and unease. Promoting feelings of love and compassion aids in dissolving emotional blockages and fostering a sense of emotional balance.

  • Sunstone

    Sunstone instills good nature, heightens intuition and allows the real self to shine through happily. It dissipates fearfulness, alleviates stress and increases vitality. Encourages independence and originality. Especially helpful to those who have difficulty saying "No" to others.

  • Super 7

    Super 7 helps you be better aware and conscious of the world. You gain mental clarity with this newfound consciousness. It can help with your spiritual growth, and welcomes your spirit guides. It will ultimately give you the guidance to get a step closer to spiritual enlightenment. Super 7 is fantastic at healing, balancing, and energizing all seven chakras.