• Ocean Jasper

    In keeping with its symbolism, Ocean Jasper is said to provide calm, uplifting energy to the holder in trying times, feeding into a more optimistic outlook on life. The stone aids clearer communication, and enhances self-confidence as well as self-insight.

  • Opal

    Opal has always been associated with love and passion, and intesifies emotional state and releases inhibitions. It can also act as an emotional stabilizer. Wearing Opal is said to bring in loyalty and faithfulness.

  • Opalite

    A stone of spiritual awakening and transformation. Opalite is used to create a sense of security. This is also a stone of personal power, known to increase self-esteem and improve one's self worth.

  • Orange Calcite

    It promotes the flow of positive energy in your everyday life. Orange Calcite inspires creativity and can remove reluctance or fear to take risks. It helps to break old patterns and encourages new experiences and opportunities. Orange Calcite inspires playfulness and joy.

  • Orca Agate

    This crystal brings a sense of calming and inner peace that washes over like a healing wave. These energies also boost self-confidence and courage whilst simultaneously promoting communication and understanding. Orca Agate is a stone of protection, helping to guard us against negativity and negative energies.

  • Orthoceras

    Orthoceras activates, opens, and heals the Root Chakra to ground us to the earth and channel her healing energies through the body and through the aura. This fossil opens us to opportunity, wisdom, and transformation and is an excellent tool to use during new beginnings and times of deep personal growth.