• Mahogany Obsidian

    Mahogany Obsidian activates our lower 3 chakras and stimulates growth, sexuality, strength, creativity, passion, and protection. This powerful grounding stone works to bring thoughts and ideas into action for the sole purpose of personal growth.

  • Malachite

    Malachite is the essence of joy and is known as the "stone of transformation" because it helps reveal and heal emotional pain by absorbing the pain into itself. It is especially helpful in bringing ease during times of change and gives the insight needed for personal growth.

  • Maligano Jasper

    Maligano Jasper is a protective, healing and grounding stone. It is believed to repel negativity, keep you safe in navigating life transformations and encourages harmony, balance and stability. It offers comfort and peace and can help melt away stress or tension.

  • Mexican Agate

    Its warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. It is also known as the Laughter stone, as it brings joy to whoever wears it. The Mexican Agate will ensure you stay present in the moment, no matter how much you have going on in your life, you will be able to enjoy each precious moment.

  • Mookaite

    Mookaite stone is very grounding. It helps to ground your mind, heart, soul, and spirit into this earthly realm. It is also said to bring us back to the present, giving the feeling of being in the "now", which in turn helps us make clearer decisions based on what's going on around us.

  • Moss Agate

    A Stone of New Beginnings. This is a great stone to assist with emotional balancing and tranquility within thy self. Refreshes the soul and enables you to see beauty in all you behold. It attracts abundance in wealth and improves self-esteem.

  • Mystic Merlinite/Indigo Gabbro

    Mystic Merlinite is said to gift its user with intense insight and intuition. A Stone of Balance, Indigo Gabbro is believed to help you understand yourself and to balance the various aspects of your personality.