• Hag Stones

    Hag Stones provide spiritual protection from evil entities. If you need some energetic cleansing, Hag Stones can remove blockages from your chakras and aura. It allows protection and strength to help you deal with your enemies.

  • Halite

    Halite is almost predominantly used for cleansing. Whatever the color it will clear your auric energies, however different colors will focus on different areas of the physical and spiritual body. Pink Halite crystals focus on the heart chakra and help bring it back into alignment. It can help release you from grief and past traumas, and encourage healthy romantic relationships.

  • Hematite

    A Stone of Attraction. This stone helps to refocus your thoughts and actions to those that matter to you the most. A stone for grounding and protection. It is said to enhance stability, balance and shield against negative energies.

  • Hematoid Quartz/Fire Quartz

    It inspires us to manifest new beginnings, encourages optimism, and energizes the physical body. Hematoid Quartz helps with grounding positive energies as well as negative energies.

  • Hemimorphite

    Hemimorphite has a strong vibration that enables contact and communication with the higher beings, angels, devas, devic beings, nature spirits, and spirit guides. These crystals enhance psychic gifts and abilities such as psychic visions, clairvoyance, channeling, mediumship, and telepathy.

  • Honey Calcite

    This stone teaches us understanding and use of power. It may encourage responsibility in leadership and is thought to help with recovering from abusive situations. Honey Calcite is believed to increase feelings of self-worth, confidence, courage, and assists us to overcome obstacles.

  • Howlite

    A very calming stone, howlite calms communication, facilitates awareness and encourages emotional expression. This stone helps to lesson inner rage and stress. It teaches patience and reasoning, and resolves critical attitudes towards oneself. A good stone to help you on your spiritual path, helping to rid the mind of negative traits.