• Galena

    A stone for seeking harmony. Creating the foundation for spiritual practice, Galena acts as a guiding light for inner work and shamanic journeying. Illuminating the darkest aspects of yourself, Galena surfaces deep-seated emotions for healing.

  • Garnet

    This stone revitalizes, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. Inspires love and devotion. Garnet balances the sex drive and alleviates emotional disharmony. It activates and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope.

  • Garnierite

    A stone of tranquility, Garnierite is believed to be a powerful ally in reducing stress and anxiety. Its calming energy can wash over you, promoting relaxation and inner peace, making it a perfect companion for meditation and mindfulness practices.

  • Golden Healer

    Golden Healers open the crown chakra, allowing for an infusion of this Golden Ray energy and preparing the body for multi-level healing. These amazing crystals help us to raise our frequency, heal ourselves emotionally and physically, as well as enhancing joy, peace, and oneness with the Divine.

  • Goldstone

    Goldstone is declared to be the stone of ambition. This man-made stone is known to grow energy, boost courage, and generate positive attitudes. It increases drive, confidence, and vitality. Goldstone is known to relieve stomach tension, help circulation, and relieve pain in bones and joints.

  • Green Aventurine

    This stone is called the heart healer, that creates a sense of calm from within. It is also known as the stone of good luck and abundance.

  • Green Calcite

    Green Calcite emanates the essence of love and expands your heart to hold greater compassion. Deepening a connection to the centre of your being, it reveals opportunities for healing and growth. Nurturing emotional balance, it surfaces feelings of anger and resentment to experience, accept and let go.

  • Green Goldstone

    This is said to be a calming crystal and is especially good for emotional healing. The copper contained in Goldstone makes a good deflector of unwanted energies and is highly regarded in the spirit realm as a protection mineral.

  • Green Opal

    Green Opal is known for its strong, grounding energy. It can help to cleanse and purify the aura, as well as align the chakras. Green Opal is also said to be a stone of good fortune, bringing abundance and prosperity to those who work with it. It is especially helpful in attracting financial abundance.