• Caribbean Calcite

    This is a helpful stone during times of new beginnings and personal growth. A calming stone, Carribean Calcite encourages us to live in the present moment. It offers relief from stress and anxiety and promotes restful sleep and lucid dreaming. Caribbean Calcite opens, activates, and heals the Crown and Third Eye Chakras.

  • Carnelian

    This beautiful stone is known for its true vibrancy that allows you to attain your true expression through enduring confidence. This stone helps boost your confidence, and allows public speaking to become more natural. It also brings out your creativity as well as motivation.

  • Celestite

    Celestite is all about inner peace, quiet space, and elevating the spirit. It's a stone that whispers of deep connection with other realms. With its ethereal energy and distinct heavenly hues, Celestite is one of the loveliest sky-blue gemstones in the world.

  • Chalcedony

    Chalcedony is a nurturing stone that promotes brotherhood and good will. It absorbs negative energy. It brings the mind, body, emotions and spirit into harmony. Chalcedony instills feelings of benevolence and generosity.

  • Charoite

    A "stone of transformation," Charoite is thought to aid the transformation of negative emotions into positive ones. It is believed to encourage inner strength, assertiveness, creativity and self-esteem. Charoite is a stone for overcoming and releasing fear, granting us the courage to start over after a trauma or trial, and sustain us in difficult circumstances. It allows us to recognize the cause of unconscious fears, as well as deeply rooted, internalized falsehoods, and to discriminate between what is real and what the mind has created. It is an ideal crystal for acclimating to high-frequency vibrations and is highly beneficial for healers. It helps regulate the flow of energy through the body and in grounding excess energy to prevent psychic burnout.

  • Chevron Amethyst/Dream Amethyst

    Chevron Amethyst's healing properties draw upon the stone's strong attunement to the Third Eye and Crown chakras. Its energies soothe the mind, promoting spiritual awareness and psychic development. It is also a stone of protection, cleansing your aura and transmuting negative energy into positive.

  • Chiastolite

    Chiastolite bestows strength, power, and perseverance and is extremely calming. It is considered by many to be strong protection against negative energy as it deflects it rather than absorbing it and traditionally was used to ward off curses.

  • Chocolate Calcite

    Chocolate Calcite has a strong connection to Earth. With this, it can be highly grounding, harmonizing the soul and the body and can keep you connected to the present while exploring spiritual realms.

  • Chrysocolla

    Chrysocolla has the ability to bring harmony, increase wisdom and guide you toward discretion. It promotes level headedness, encouraging clarity of thought and a neutral, calm attitude during turbulence by purifying the home, environment and the mind.

  • Chrysoprase

    This is a powerful stone that brings good fortune and prosperity. It instills you with poise, grace, and helps you to recognize the gentle beauty within yourself so you can enjoy self-expression and encourage through fluent speech and mental dexterity.

  • Citrine

    Citrine is associated with positivity and optimism, which is not surprising given its cheerful color. It's often used to assist in manifesting financial abundance and opportunities. It can also be used to awaken the solar plexus chakra, helping to cultivate confidence and personal power.

  • Clear Quartz

    Clear Quartz is known as the "Master Healer". It deflects negative energy and restores and increases the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes. Clear Quartz acts as a deep soul cleanser; enhances psychic abilities, unlocks memories, and aids concentration. This crystal helps to stimulate the immune system and brings the body back into balance, harmonizing all the chakras.

  • Cobalto Calcite

    It stimulates creativity, uplifts emotion, promotes harmony, and dispels negativity. Cobaltoan Calcite charges the auric bodies and facilitates a deep, steady connection to the spirit world. It is an excellent stone for meditation and may be used to induce deep relaxation and generate new ideas and solutions.

  • Crazy Lace Agate

    Crazy Lace Agate is known as being the happiness stone. The energy from this stone is strong and soothing. It vibrates on a lower frequency which means it brings out your energy. It will remind you to stay in the present, making sure you capture those little moments. It will make you feel whole and stable, prompting self-acceptance. It will stabilize your aura and block negative energy. Crazy Lace has a physical cleansing effect on the pancreas and lymphatic system.