Why visit Seremeta Spiritual Wellness Center?

At Seremeta Spiritual Wellness Center, we are practitioners of kindness, compassion and love. We have a love and passion for helping those in need of healing. When the father of our company's owner passed away, he passed down to her, the gift of healing. Since then she has made it her goal to help those who are suffering. Whether you're trying to heal from a trauma (physical, emotional, or mental), trying to figure out your true self and place in this world, or working on some self-love, we are here to help.

We have over 11 years of experience using earth's energy to assist in healing and growth. You can put your trust in us to pair you with the right products to assist you on your journey. Stop by today to view our selection of healing crystals and metaphysical products, and get started on the right path to healing.


Learn about crystals and how to use them every day

Here to help with any questions you may have.

Discover how crystals can help you, and get you on your way to healing yourself naturally, from within.

We have a variety of products, such as crystals, incense, tarot cards, jewelry, teas and more.

What Others Are Saying

Get Personalized Help From Our Compassionate Team of Healers

If you've never used crystals or incense or any other metaphysical products for spiritual healing before, shopping for them can be a bit overwhelming. That's the reason why we have dedicated our lives to helping you every step of the way. When you visit our shop, we will take the time to talk to you and understand your life, any issues you may be going through, areas in need of healing, and your goals and what you are looking for as an outcome. We can then recommend things like:

Supplements that are tailored to your body and will help balance your hormones
Crystals that can help with your energy and healing
Angel decks that can help guide you through your journey

Call us today to schedule a free consultation with Nancy, at 320-217-0260. You can also stop by our store in Waite Park, MN, and we will be happy to assist you and get you on the right path to healing.

Start healing yourself today, for a better tomorrow!